Following is the seventeenth in a series of posts about recent changes to the California Bar Association’s Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC). This rule is found in Chapter 3, which is titled “Advocate.” This is a new rule, not a revision of a previous one. CBA’s Rule 3.2 addresses “delay of litigation” and can be...Read More
Following is the sixteenth in a series of posts about recent changes to the California Bar Association’s Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC). As with the last post, this entry falls under the category of “Counselor” and is found in Chapter 2 of the new rules. This is a new rule, not merely a revision of...Read More
Following is the fifteenth in a series of posts about recent changes to the California Bar Association’s Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC). This one falls under the category of “Counselor,” and is found in Chapter 2 of the new rules. The topic of Rule 2.1 is “advisor.” As with other new RPC rules, Rule 2.1...Read More
Following is the fourteenth in a series of posts about recent changes to the California Bar Association’s Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC), under the category of “Lawyer-Client Relations.” This post discusses a new rule related to “duties to a prospective client.” As with other new RPC rules, Rule 1.18 does not directly correspond to a...Read More
Following is the first in a series of posts about recent changes to California’s Rules of Professional Conduct. This one falls under the category of “Lawyer-Client Relationship,” focusing on “aggregate settlements.” For the first time in nearly 30 years, the California Supreme Court has approved a major overhaul of the state’s rules of ethics. On...Read More